
Services & Rates

Cancer/Oncology Massage

60 minutes: $49.95

Oncology Massage is a special type of massage developed specifically for cancer patients. Cancer patients have unique needs which must be addressed to make sure that massage is beneficial to their health. I focus my attention on creating a gentle, nurturing environment for you to relax.

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Cupping Therapy

90 minutes: $99.95
60 minutes: $74.95
What is Cupping Therapy?
Its opposite than our usual massage. Different size cups are used to pull the tissue and muscles, rather than compress them. This technique is superior bodywork for pain, stubborn conditions, trigger points, repetitive strains, inflammation, toxicity, chronic fatigue, digestive problems and a slew of other tissues we confront as we grow older. 
Suction cups rapidly facilitate rigid soft tissue release, loosen and lift connective tissue, breaks up and drain stagnation while increasing blood and lymph flow to skin and muscles in ways not possible using regular massage treatments.
Another benefit of Cupping is that it can feel really great when done properly for your constitution and current physiology and/or condition. The pulling action engages the parasympathetic nervous system, thus allowing a deep relaxation to move through the entire body. It is not unusual to fall asleep when receiving this treatment. You will be surprised at how relaxed, warm and light you will feel...hours...sometimes even days afterward.
What should I know about the effects of my skin that Cupping may cause?
One of the most common and unfortunate misconceptions concerning cupping is the misinterpretation of the discoloration. During your cupping session dead cellular debris, poisons, stagnation, blood congestion and excess fluids are drawn to the surface and this may sometimes leave deposits under the skin, which, short of cutting the skin (which we will NOT do) and pulling it out, is the best place for the lymphatic system to drain it away. Because your skin is the largest organ in your body. The round spots should fade in several days to a week.
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Deep Tissue Massage

90 minutes: $99.95
60 minutes: $74.95

Deep Tissue Massage is a form of bodywork that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body. Deep Tissue Massage is a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries. Due to the nature of the deep tissue work, open communication during the session is crucial to make sure you don't get too uncomfortable. Keep in mind that soreness is pretty common after the treatment, and that plenty of water should be ingested to aid with the flushing and removal of toxins that will have been released from the deep tissue during the session.

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Geriatric Massage

30 minutes: $17.50
60 minutes: $35.00
90 minutes: $65.00
120 minutes: $95.00

Geriatric massage is a form of massage designed to meet the specific needs of the elderly. It helps to improve blood circulation, relieve pain, and also increase range of motion. If you are elderly, geriatric massage can help you maintain and improve your overall health, as well as regain certain physical functions that have been reduced due to aging. In addition, since the elderly don't typically receive enough physical touch, this massage can also help alleviate symptoms of loneliness or depression.


Online Booking at: MassageBook

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Lymphatic Drainage

60 minutes: $49.95

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy aims to gently and rhythmically move the lymph through the body, especially swollen areas of the body, relieving pressure and enhancing the functioning of the immune system. As both a preventative and remedial technique, LD can be used for a wide range of purposes including faster recovery from injury, reduction of swelling and discomfort from pregnancy, and strengthened resistance to illness.

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Myofascial Release

120 minutes: $125.00
90 minutes: $95.00
60 minutes: $65.00

Myofascial release is a form of soft tissue therapy intended to eliminate pain, increase range of motion, and rebalance the entire body. It does this by using massage techniques to stretch the fascia and release the bonds that exist between the fascia, muscles and bones. Fascia is the connective tissue that connects and covers all muscles, organs, and skeletal structures of the body. Direct myofascial release is sometimes known as deep tissue work. Indirect release applies light pressure and gently stretches the fascia; this allows for increased blood circulation and relief from pain.

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Neuromuscular Therapy

60 minutes: $70.00

Neuromuscular therapy is a system of massage techniques that were developed in the 1930's by Dr. Stanley Lief in England. It uses a holistic approach towards healing, emphasizing and stimulating the body's natural ability to heal itself. Neuromuscular therapy also enhances the function of joints and muscles, and accelerates the overall healing process by facilitating the release of endorphins.

Online Scheduling: MassageBook

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Orthopedic (Medical) Massage

60 minutes: $100.00
45 minutes: $75.00
30 minutes: $50.00
15 minutes: $25.00

Orthopedic massage is a style of massage therapy focused on treating painful conditions that affect the soft tissues of the body. Because orthopedic massage is designed to treat medical conditions, it requires extensive training. It involves releasing tense muscles, helping to stretch and lengthen tight muscles and tendons, and decompress rigid joints. My goal is to restore full health to the soft tissues of your body, both treating your specific conditions as well as improving your overall well-being.

Online Scheduling: MassageBook

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Pregnancy Massage

60 minutes: $49.95
90 minutes: $74.95

Pregnancy Massage is a style of bodywork designed specifically for pregnant women. Pregnancy is a time when a woman's body endures tremendous stress due to dramatic physical and emotional changes. Using various techniques specially developed for the expecting mother, Pregnancy Massage helps release the pain and discomfort experienced throughout pregnancy. The benefits are profound, including emotional support, the relief of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, and improved breathing and relaxation.

Online Scheduling: MassageBook

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Swedish Massage

60 minutes: $49.95
120 minutes: $104.95
90 minutes: $74.95

Swedish Massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility.


Online scheduling at:   Massage Book

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Trigger Point Therapy

120 minutes: $130.00
90 minutes: $100.00
60 minutes: $70.00

Trigger Point Therapy is a style of bodywork that focuses on stimulating and releasing "trigger points" in your body. Trigger points are tender areas of tension similar to acupressure points, except they occur in the belly of the muscle rather than along the energy pathways of the body. These "knots" are built up throughout a person's life due to physical, mental, and/or emotional stress. During a session, focused pressure is applied through a variety of techniques order to release your trigger points. This process can be quite painful at times, yet the effects are lasting and profoundly transformative.

Online Scheduling: MassageBook

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